Public Works

public works
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Public Works Director
Nick Berry

[email protected]


Public Works Supervisor
Doug Williams



Public Works

Brad Grunder



Travis Jacobs


Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for the following operational functions:
  • Management oversight of all public property of the Village, including all streets, parkways, sidewalks and the municipal buildings.
  • Provide general public services such as snow and ice control.
  • Operate and maintain the Village public water works system, wastewater assets and stormwater management facilities.
  • Maintain and repair all motor vehicles, trucks and other equipment in the Village fleet.
  • Oversee various capital improvement projects such as street resurfacing and reconstruction and underground utility replacement undertaken by the Village.

Public Works - Emergency Numbers

Public Works Director, Nick Berry - 779-537-3800

Public Works Foreman, Doug Williams - 815-239-2348